Anchor the Light offers monthly holistic Wellness Retreats designed to offer rejuvenation and enlivenment of the whole being. Over the course of three-four days, participants are offered a variety of rejuvenating and healing modalities including a potential combination of Qi Gong, mindfulness meditation, acupuncture, sound bathing, biofeedback, IV therapy, Reiki, energy healing & protection techniques, forest bathing, plant medicines, life enhancement skill building, fully organic meals, visionary art, & integration.

Wellness Retreats take place in Colorado and Mexico, in large private homes or private retreat grounds.

The idea for these retreat spaces were envisioned to provide a safe container, both physically, mentally & spiritually, for participants to grow, reset, refocus or heal.
When attempting to bring a greater vision for ourselves into our reality, it may behoove us to immerse ourselves in supportive environments that assist us – including the triple aspect of our beings: our bodies and nervous systems, our minds and emotions, and our astral aspect, or spirit.
These retreats are designed to do just that, with evidenced-based modalities including, for example, mindfulness based stress reduction (mind/emotion), Reiki (spirit), and nutrition (physical) – again, addressing growth and healing on all levels of being.

Incorporated into the retreats’ schedules will be a mix of offerings that will include a comfortable private home, fully organic meals, clean non-municipal water, optional/gifted plant medicine journey, sound healing bath, and a potential combination of massage, acupuncture, Qi Gong, forest bathing, IV therapy, biofeedback, mindfulness meditation, Reiki, energy healing & protection, & neuroscience backed behavioral & biohack skill building.
Nutrition, food and water quality are top priorities for us. Read more about our allied practitioners and chefs.
Subsequent to completing one of the 3 or 4 day Wellness Retreats, we offer follow-ups with all participants: checking in, and offering support for their ongoing integration of their experience, their goals, and sustaining and deepening practices they may have learned or enhanced during the Retreat.
Neuroscience of Mindfulness & Guided Example of Mindfulness Meditation by Ubbe MacLean:
Allied Practitioner, Brian Seraiah Wood – Qi Gong Daily Practice:
Allied Practitioner, Caressa Ayres – Harmonize Your Body With Sound Healing:
Founder, Ubbe MacLean – Chakras (Hvels) With Love vol 1 – guided meditation with singing bowls:
Allied Practitioner, Chef Sam Paone: