Founding Church Board Members: Freya Aswynn & Brigitte Mars
Freya Aswynn:

Freya was born in 1949 in the Netherlands. She showed signs of paranormal abilities from a very early age. This proved a challenge to her birther and her older siblings and after ten years of serial abuses, she ended up in state without any higher education, and was extricated from that environment in 1968/9. From the age of 20 she studied occultism, limited mainly to Spiritualism and AMORC and Astrology. Was married in 1970 to George, who was twice her age and was more of a mentor than husband. George died in 1972. After this, she decided to take herself through college and qualified as a chiropodist in 1976 At age of 30. In 1980 she went through her first Saturn return and moved to the U.K permanently.
Freya founded The Enclave, created as a Housing association. It lasted until ’94, after the Enclave was dissolved and she bought a farm in Scotland. After 8 years she sold it, and moved to Spain. She ‘picked up’ up the Runes in 82 and never let go of them. She has written 3 books on the Runes: “Leaves of Yggdrasil” ; “Northern Mysteries and Magick”, and lastly “Power and Principles of the Runes”. In addition to this she has done vocal Runic work and various albums have been released. The first one “Fruits of Yggdrasil” in the same year as the first edition of “Leaves” 1988. Here she introduces the art of Galdr and personalizes some of the Eddic Poems. She also painted a Rune Deck of divination cards. She has been doing workshops since 1986 starting in her shared house: Enclave. In the nineties she mainly did workshops in the USA and over the last 15 years she has done them in Holland, Italy, Germany, & London She also offers correspondence course on the Runes and the Northern Mysteries. She offers Rune Readings by email or Zoom. She also takes on personal students for Live classes in Runes and/or Astrology.
Brigitte Mars –

Brigitte Mars is an herbalist and nutritional consultant of Natural Health with over fifty years of experience. She teaches Herbal Medicine at Naropa University and The Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism. She has taught at Omega Institute, Esalen, Kripalu, Sivananda Yoga Ashram, Envision, Tribal Visions, Unify, Sister Winds, Arise Festivals, Burning Man and even The Mayo Clinic. She is a founding and professional member of the American Herbalist Guild.
Brigitte is the author of many books including Natural Remedies for Mental and Emotional Health, The Natural First Aid Handbook, The Country Almanac of Home Remedies, The Desktop Guide to Herbal Medicine, Beauty by Nature, Addiction Free Naturally, The Sexual Herbal, Healing Herbal Teas, Rawsome! and co-author of The HempNut Cookbook. Her latest project is a phone app called IPlant and an online course on herbal medicine through Brigitte is also a psychedelic sitter and end-of-life doula. She is mother to Sunflower Sparkle Mars and Rainbeau Harmony Mars and three teenage grandchildren.
Allied Practitioners:
• Brian Seraiah Wood: Martial Arts, Qi Gong, Tai Chi
• Caressa Ayres: Sound Healing, Jin Shin Jyutsu
• Bryan Rodriguez: Acupuncture, Massage, Mobility
• Kellie Smith: Biofeedback, Light Therapy, Remote Services
• Angelina Liquori: Holistic/Clinical Nutrition Practitioner, Chef
• Samantha Paone: Holistic Chef
• Maggie Schulthesis: Dance/Movement-Energy Integration