Pagan Ritual (dance) Parties

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Following the seasons and cycles of nature, we gather to honor the Earth, Ancestors, Higher Realms, & Gods while engaging in ritual, dance, celebration, and intentional community.


Ubbe MacLean felt a strong desire to share the spirituality of the the Northern Folk and introduce the cosmology and spiritual celebrations they engaged in to their ancestors in the West. Thus, the first Pagan Ritual (dance) Party began on Ostara, the Spring Equinox, 2019!


The Pagan Parties are Heart-Centered, empowering Norse/Pagan Ceremonies held throughout the year, honoring the Ancestors, and our Divine Nature. Followed by 5 hours of Ecstatic Dance with music line-ups featuring top-level artists and a festive atmosphere of revelry, local organic eats, fireside community connections, local artists, vendors, sound-healings, and workshops.



_________________________________________________________________________________________ TICKETS FOR 3/21/25 SPRING EQUINOX!


Take a stroll through the Deeps of Time and remember the epic fun, music, and rituals from years past!


We are compiling the fliers from 2019 to present. Check back to see the evolution!


2024 Blots #17-22:


2023 Blots #14-16:



2022 Blots #12-13:



2021 Blots #9-11: (coming soon)



2020 Blots #5-8: (coming soon)



2019 Blots #1-4: (coming soon)
